Friday, July 25, 2008

Tumeric and tamarind juice

My mum gave me quite a handful of fresh turmeric gathered from her garden. Turmeric is not often used in cooking. Even if it is, only small amount is needed. So, rather than leave it to shrivel, I make it into turmeric and tamarind juice. I came to know this recipe from my aunt’s domestic helper.

100 gm Turmeric, wash and slice thinly (dry under the sun for 2 days, if you can)
50 gm tamarind
1-2 tbls brown sugar/gula Melaka (optional)
2 glasses water

1. Mix tamarind with water, sieve to get the juice.
2. Add in turmeric and boil for ~ 20 minutes.
3. Once cool can be bottled.
4. Drink morning or at night.

Good for blood circulation and cleanses the womb.

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